Meet Idah Phenyo Masekela from Alexandra . She is 29yrs, a mother and currently working for an Investment and Trading Company, She is also known as a model for her own swimwear . She enjoys networking, travelling and learning a lot because “one is never too old or young to learn”. Her Motto in life is that your simple idea can turn into an extraordinary and unforgettable trend provided that you utilise and believe in your gift and talent… The ball is Always in your court . What inspired her is that women come in all sorts of body shapes and mostly have a struggle of fitting into swim wear, reason could be your body after A bit of weight gain from winter foods, after having your baby or any other reason. What Idah has is beyond just a swimwear range that gives you that confidence and brings your sexy back , she also has a full package which comes with weight loss plan , guidelines and shakes to assist you with your size goals. What more could one w...
Ms Phumie is a fashion stylist,blogger and best interests are fashion,events,photography
- Phumelele
- johannesburg, RSA, South Africa
inviting you in to the world of about the latest trends,the dos and dons. exposure for your thoughts and give fashion advice. traveling around the townships to show case the talents that are unseen through pictures and videos.